Blog Listing

Hackers, breaches, and the value of healthcare data
Hackers, breaches, and the value of healthcare data
Healthcare data breaches are increasing exponentially year after year, and it doesn’t seem like they’re going to slow down any time soon. It’s important for healthcare IT professionals to take steps to safeguard their systems, whether that means protecting against external threats posed by hackers and cyber criminals or securing internal threats that come from access abuse from internal users.
What is zero trust architecture?
What is zero trust architecture?
If you’re in the cybersecurity field, chances are you’ve come across Zero Trust architecture (or any variants of it) enough to know what Zero Trust means. Essentially, the Zero Trust cybersecurity approach is kicking old methods to the curb while embracing the basic principles of security.
Positive patient identification improves patient safety, security, and experience
Positive patient identification improves patient safety, security, and experience
Positive patient identification is a challenge for many healthcare delivery organizations (HDOs). Studies show that about 10% of patients are misidentified when they check in for medical care. Patient misidentification can impact patient experience, erode patient trust, and lead to harmful and sometimes even fatal medical errors.
What’s ahead for AI and machine learning in healthcare?
What’s ahead for AI and machine learning in healthcare?
In recent years, we have seen increased interest and adoption of machine learning (ML) and artificial intelligence (AI) technology in healthcare.
How to build a successful EMR access monitoring process
How to build a successful EMR access monitoring process
Monitoring is the 5th element of the 7 elements of an effective compliance program. It is a continuous task that compliance and privacy teams must do to ensure any inappropriate accesses are detected and resolved in a timely manner.
Hospitals spend more after a data breach, but there is a fix
Hospitals spend more after a data breach, but there is a fix
Two recently published reports discuss the high cost of healthcare data breaches organizations can incur. The Department of Health and Human Services estimates that it takes a breached healthcare organization a full year to recover.
The National Institute of Standards and Technology privacy framework
The National Institute of Standards and Technology privacy framework
The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) has released a request for infor
Managing insider threats in healthcare
Managing insider threats in healthcare
Often when discussing common healthcare security threats, external breaches are the main focus.
Small-scale HIPAA violations of medical privacy from employee snooping
Small-scale HIPAA violations of medical privacy from employee snooping
A recent ProPublica article highlighted how small-scale medical privacy breaches are causing harm across the nation. The impact of small-scale breaches is immense, but seems to garner comparatively little coverage as most data breach headlines focus on large-scale breaches involving hundreds if not thousands of medical records.
User and entity behavior analytics for healthcare: What is it? how can it help?
User and entity behavior analytics for healthcare: What is it? how can it help?
Gartner, Inc. recently released their “Market Guide for User and Entity Behavior Analytics”. Gartner provides an interesting take on a very hot topic in the security space across all industries in the modern day.
Cyberattacks reveal the truth about network vulnerability
Cyberattacks reveal the truth about network vulnerability
The cyberattack on Colonial Pipeline Co. and similar recent attacks such as the SolarWinds breach (which impacted several government agencies) revealed major vulnerabilities in government cybersecurity protocols and critical infrastructure systems, resulting in immediate action to be taken by the White House.
4 key differences between consumer and enterprise biometrics (Part 2)
4 key differences between consumer and enterprise biometrics (Part 2)
Biometrics used to feel like fiction – we’d see it in spy movies and think that it was something that was only easily accessible in a cinematic universe. But now, nothing could be further from the truth. Biometrics are used everywhere, from logging into our phones with a face scan to activating personal assistants with a voice.
Third-party remote access risk considerations for the partner community
Third-party remote access risk considerations for the partner community
Remote access and connecting into customers' networks are often overlooked vectors of risk.  As a value-added reseller (VAR), your co
CJIS compliance requirements and the 13 security policy areas
CJIS compliance requirements and the 13 security policy areas
If you have any involvement with government entities and operations, chances are you’ve heard of CJIS compliance. It’s the largest division of the FBI and the primary source of information and services for all law enforcement, national security, and intelligence community partners.
Cybersecurity executive order
Cybersecurity executive order
On May 12, President Biden signed an Executive Order aimed at improving the nation’s cybersecurity and protecting federal government networks.
Forrester Cover
New Forrester study reveals COVID-driven Digital Identity issues and solutions
COVID-19 profoundly impacted healthcare IT, security, and compliance organizations. Many hospitals accelerated telehealth initiatives and shifted certain workers home to help stop the spread, creating remote access security challenges and technical support issues.
Third-party risk and why it matters
Third-party risk and why it matters
“We had a large manufacturing company come to us looking to solve their third-party access problem after discovering a virus within their OT environment,” says Rob Palermo, VP of Product Management at SecureLink. “One of the first steps they took was to disable VPNs being used by third parties.
Man-in-the-middle attack prevention
Man-in-the-middle attack prevention
In this blog post, we'll explore exactly what a man-in-the-middle attack is - and how you can prevent this kind of attack happening to you.
It is time for a national strategy on patient identity
It is time for a national strategy on patient identity
As a practicing emergency physician, I see the need for better patient identification on every shift. Every aspect of patient care begins with proper patient identification. Every decision I make depends on the availability and accuracy of the information available.
Best practices to prevent data breaches for technology vendors
Best practices to prevent data breaches for technology vendors
As a technology vendor, your number one goal is to provide the best service possible to your customers. The enterprises you support likely rely on you for pretty critical business functions, like operating machinery or storing confidential patient or client information.