2014: A critical year for opiate addiction policy
2014: A critical year for opiate addiction policy
2014 was an important year for combating prescription drug abuse. Learn how 2015 is going to be even more momentous.
Six Steps to a Successful e-Prescribing of Controlled Substances Project: Part 2
Six Steps to a Successful e-Prescribing of Controlled Substances Project: Part 2
Ensure EPCS success by following these six comprehensive steps. Deploying Electronic Prescribing of Controlled Substances shouldn't be a headache.
How to Successfully Improve your Clinical Communications: Empower your Crew
How to Successfully Improve your Clinical Communications: Empower your Crew
Learn how to successfully implement a new clinical communications solution: Listen to your clinical crew and empower them to rally together effectively
Six Steps to a Successful e-Prescribing of Controlled Substances Project: Part 1
Six Steps to a Successful e-Prescribing of Controlled Substances Project: Part 1
Electronic prescribing of controlled substances (EPCS) has many benefits for prescribers, patients, IT, and pharmacy and hospital administration. But the DEA requirements for EPCS introduce complexities that need to be considered when developing a project plan.
How Leading New York Hospitals are Approaching I-STOP Compliance
How Leading New York Hospitals are Approaching I-STOP Compliance
Learn how leading New York hospitals are critically thinking about, and planning for, I-STOP's mandatory introduction of EPCS processes.
The Case for Smarter Clinical Workflows
The Case for Smarter Clinical Workflows
A seasoned physician shares his perspective on critical cardiology care: improved communication technologies can save time and lives. Learn how now.
Third-party access vulnerabilities cause 1/3 of retail breaches
Third-party access vulnerabilities cause 1/3 of retail breaches
New study shows 33% of data breaches in the retail space were due to third-party vendor access vulnerabilities.
Four Steps to Successfully Deploy Your Secure Clinical Communications Solution
Four Steps to Successfully Deploy Your Secure Clinical Communications Solution
Learn how to successfully deploy a new, secure communications platform at your healthcare facility: secure your success by planning proactively
Two-Factor Authentication Considerations for e-Prescribing of Controlled Substances
Two-Factor Authentication Considerations for e-Prescribing of Controlled Substances
Make a well-informed decision about which two-factor authentication modalities to introduce to your EPCS process: keep prescriber satisfaction in mind
VPNs at the root of home depot data breach
VPNs at the root of home depot data breach
In a not-surprising announcement yesterday, Home Depot reported: “Criminals used a third-party vendor’s user name and password to enter the perimeter of Home Depot’s network.
How to Deliver a Signature Customer Experience…and Why it Matters
How to Deliver a Signature Customer Experience…and Why it Matters
A leading Customer Experience expert in the Healthcare IT industry shares her strategy for developing a truly unique & empowering customer experience
Why Electronic Prescribing of Controlled Substances Matters: the Pharmacy Perspective
Why Electronic Prescribing of Controlled Substances Matters: the Pharmacy Perspective
Introducing Electronic Prescribing of Controlled Substances is a great business move for pharmacists - read a pharmacist's arguments for EPCS adoption
Health 2.0 Conference: Technology Investments for Tomorrow…and Today.
Health 2.0 Conference: Technology Investments for Tomorrow…and Today.
Secure Communications solutions are needed to solve healthcare's inefficient communications problems: secure communications promise improved patient care.
Survey: 50% of Physicians Never Check the PDMP when Prescribing Controlled Substances
Survey: 50% of Physicians Never Check the PDMP when Prescribing Controlled Substances
Electronic Prescribing of Controlled Substances (EPCS) is urgently needed: 50% of prescribers don't check prescription drug monitoring program databases.
Feeling the Pain of Meaningful Use Stage 2? Try Vicodin
Feeling the Pain of Meaningful Use Stage 2? Try Vicodin
Introducing Electronic Prescribing of Controlled Substances (EPCS) is a great way to meet the challenging Stage 2 requirements for Meaningful Use.
Three Key Considerations for Successfully Enabling Electronic Prescribing of Controlled Substances
Three Key Considerations for Successfully Enabling Electronic Prescribing of Controlled Substances
There are many benefits to electronic prescribing of controlled substances (EPCS), including improving efficiency of clinical workflows, decreasing patient wait times at pharmacies and minimizing the potential for medication errors, inaccuracies or forgeries. However, because these medications are heavily regulated due to the risk of diversion and abuse, the DEA rule mandates that several criteria be met for EPCS.
How does IT ensure the software they select will be adopted by their users?
How does IT ensure the software they select will be adopted by their users?
An IT Director’s plate is overflowing and unfortunately, not with tasty treats. It is overwhelming for any IT professional to tackle everything on the to-do list, especially given the challenges IT faces every day: Shrinking budgets, smaller teams, increasingly complex solutions, vendor audits, 24x7 clinician support, rip-and-replace upgrades, progressively complicated demands of end users, BYOD, demanding clinicians, security concerns…the list goes on and on and on.
The Future of the Healthcare Marketplace: Three Questions for Futurist Ian Morrison
The Future of the Healthcare Marketplace: Three Questions for Futurist Ian Morrison
The healthcare industry is undergoing sweeping changes, and stakeholders must adjust to the reformed system in order to succeed in 2014 and beyond.
HIMSS14 Takeaways: Hospitals Eyeing Electronic Prescribing of Controlled Substances
HIMSS14 Takeaways: Hospitals Eyeing Electronic Prescribing of Controlled Substances
At HIMSS14, we had a number of in-depth conversations with IT leaders at hospitals and health systems from across the U.S. about their challenges, strategies and priorities for 2014 and beyond. One particular issue that is top-of-mind for many of the folks we talked to is electronic prescribing of controlled substances (EPCS).
HIMSS14 Takeaway: The Increasing Role of the RN in IT Decision Making
HIMSS14 Takeaway: The Increasing Role of the RN in IT Decision Making
As I wrote about previously, I went into the 2014 HIMSS Annual Conference & Expo with certain expectations from the clinical perspective, and the show did not disappoint.