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UNITY graphic
Recently, the word unity has taken on a new meaning at Imprivata. With our team more spread out than ever before, our employees are working out of our various offices around the globe and even their homes.
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PAM and VPAM: The power couple safeguarding critical assets from inside and outside threats
Threats exist internally and externally, so you need to make sure you’re prepared. The powerful combo of PAM and VPAM can help keep your organization safe.
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Imprivata Identity Governance 7.2: Expanded capabilities to keep your organization secure
Take a look at the improvements we’ve made to Imprivata Identity Governance, all in the name of making sure we anticipate the needs of your organization.
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Strengthen your security posture with identity governance and privileged access management
Need to keep identity and access locked down? Then you need identity governance and privileged access management.
Is the future of access management consolidation?
Is the future of access management consolidation?
Not only is cybersecurity changing, but the most recent iteration of the general idea, centered around access management, is itself in flux — threats are constantly changing and technology is evolving faster than most industries can implement.
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Why your Zero Trust strategy needs a third-party privileged access component
Zero Trust isn’t a buzzword. But to do it right, you need to lock down privileged access. Yes, even for third parties.
Five steps to build a strong access management strategy
Five steps to build a strong access management strategy
It’s no secret that organizations are changing the way they operate. Digitization is everywhere, and employees are going from desktops in cubicles to cloud-connected laptops in home offices, coffee shops, and anywhere in between.
The human element is still a major factor in breaches
The human element is still a major factor in breaches
Human error: It’s an everyday occurrence and happens to everyone at some point or another. Unfortunately, when it comes to cybersecurity, human errors, and the human element broadly, can have costly consequences.  According to the 2022 Data Breach Investigation Report by Verizon, human error is still a prominent factor when it comes to breaches.
Law firms are using more third parties, are they protected from third party risk?
Law firms are using more third parties, are they protected from third party risk?
Third party risk is not new. After all, over half of organizations (51%) were the victim of a third-party data breach in the past year. Third parties are opaque, transient, and harder to govern and limit access to.
The biggest challenge to adopting security tech in manufacturing
The biggest challenge to adopting security tech in manufacturing
The manufacturing sector continues to be one of the most appealing targets for hackers. It has the largest average payout for a ransomware attack and the consequences are too visible and disruptive to ignore. The result: companies are much more likely to pay ransoms and meet demands.
User access reviews can neutralize retail sector risks
User access reviews can neutralize retail sector risks
It only took two attacks for Brazilian e-commerce platform,, to lose millions. The attacks, over two days in February 2022, didn’t affect physical stores, but rendered the e-commerce side unavailable, and the total loss added up to $183 million.
How to identify critical access points
How to identify critical access points
The current trends in the cyber landscape are all rotating around one axis — access points. Hackers and cybersecurity professionals alike are all focusing on access points as their means of success — whether that’s to infiltrate or protect those entryways into critical systems, data, and applications. In order to secure access points, you first need to identify them.
Looking back on the Colonial Pipeline hack
Looking back on the Colonial Pipeline hack
It’s been one year since Colonial Pipeline was infamously hacked, creating fuel shortages, driving up gas prices, and creating a state of emergency. We’ve dug into this hack many times before, but looking back on one of the biggest critical infrastructure attacks shows us both why this cyber incident is so important and how organizations should move forward with their cybersecurity strategies after the many lessons learned from the attack.
Insider threats are a major security issue in the financial sector
Insider threats are a major security issue in the financial sector
The Financial industry is becoming a hot target for hackers and ransomware, and it’s no surprise — the industry does deal with money, after all. The sector is 300 times more likely to experience a cyberattack than any other industry, and the industry is absorbing the highest cost with an average of $18.3 million lost per cyberattack.  But it’s not just the Scrooge McDuck-style pools of coins and cash that cause hackers to turn their eyes to financial institutions. It’s the access. The industry has a vast amount of internal users that can quickly turn into insider threats. 
Drug diversion and monitoring solutions
Drug diversion and monitoring solutions
For a healthcare organization, monitoring access is critical, but that monitoring extends beyond just EMR data — to drug diversion. Drug diversion refers to the illegal distribution of prescription drugs, specifically referring to illegal distribution or abuse by medical professionals. According to the U.S. Department of Justice National Drug Intelligence Center (NDIC), the estimated cost of diversion to public and private medical insurers is more than $72 billion per year.
Enterprise access and PAM are a perfect pair
Enterprise access and PAM are a perfect pair
As Imprivata strengthens its portfolio with SecureLink, the Securelink Enterprise Access platform will now seamlessly integrate into Imprivata's PAM solution. This software collaboration now allows enterprise organizations to secure and efficiently manage all privileged access to critical assets. That’s a capability all organizations need to stay secure.
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10 reasons why hackers think your HDO is an easy target
And why many CIOs are choosing managed services to bridge the IT resource gap and boost security.
Why the retail industry should embrace access management
Why the retail industry should embrace access management
The Works, which sells books, toys, and other objects, has 520 stores across the UK. Recently, many of those locations had to temporarily close after a major cyberattack on the retailer. This kind of cybersecurity incident is becoming more and more common across the globe as cyberattacks soar and industries like retail find themselves digitizing faster than their cybersecurity architecture can keep up.
What is adaptive security?
What is adaptive security?
No attack vector is new. Ransomware, remote access breaches, phishing and other forms of cyber-espionage have been around for decades, yet we’re constantly coming up with new ways to solve them. Technology has evolved to meet the growing need to protect critical access points and assets from cyber-threats, but vulnerabilities are inherent.
Cybersecurity mesh architecture is the next big trend in cybersecurity
Cybersecurity mesh architecture is the next big trend in cybersecurity
The word is already making the rounds in analyst meetings, white papers, and slide decks: cybersecurity mesh. Is it new software? Or a new attack vector? Or something else entirely? The fact is that cybersecurity mesh architecture is a concept all organizations need to be paying attention to and utilizing in their own cybersecurity strategies.