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Why MSPs need a critical access management option
Why MSPs need a critical access management option
Many in the managed service provider (MSP) market are turning to Imprivata to complement their security offerings by implementing a solution that lowers liability, increases efficiency of remote connections, and exceeds clients’ security, audit, and compliance needs.
Termination gap: a major insider threat
Termination gap: a major insider threat
The termination gap can cause all kinds of trouble. That length of time between an employee leaving their role and their user access being de-provisioned is when dangerous activities can occur -- including a malicious breach by that internal user -- and the truth is, organizations aren’t worrying enough about it. 
Here's why critical infrastructure keeps getting hacked
Here's why critical infrastructure keeps getting hacked
Every organization will be quick to say that their systems are secure, and a breach won’t happen. In fact, according to a recent report by Skybox Security, 73% of CIOs and CISOs are "highly confident" they will not suffer an operational technology breach in the next 12 months.
Privileged access management checklist: 20 questions to ask
Privileged access management checklist: 20 questions to ask
Thinking about implementing a privileged access management solution? With security threats on the rise and more people working remotely, it’s critical that companies lock down and monitor privileged accounts. This makes it harder for hackers to access your most sensitive data and systems.
Three ways to determine critical versus routine access
Three ways to determine critical versus routine access
There’s one question every organization needs to be able to answer: What are the company’s specific critical access points? It’s easier asked than answered, and depending on the system, the users, the assets, and a few other factors, critical access varies by organization and use case.
Enterprise password vault vs. privileged access management
Enterprise password vault vs. privileged access management
When it comes to securing privileged credentials, companies often turn to enterprise password managers or privileged access management solutions. This leads organizations to ask, “Which solution is best?"
How critical access management protects three industries from cyber threats
How critical access management protects three industries from cyber threats
Despite large financial and time-intensive investments into access management tools and cybersecurity solutions, a business’ critical assets still remain vulnerable and prone to attack.
Clinicians on the move: Is there more to the healthcare exodus than COVID-19?
It’s time to consolidate and automate identity governance. See 10 reasons why.
How critical access management protects government entities from cyber threats
How critical access management protects government entities from cyber threats
Every 11 seconds, a company falls victim to a ransomware attack. Compromised protected personal data resulted in 1.8 HIPAA privacy violations per day in 2020. The cost of cyber attacks globally in 2021, according to Cybersecurity Ventures, is expected to cost $20 billion.
How to define critical access: Frequency, risk, and urgency
How to define critical access: Frequency, risk, and urgency
Understanding critical information, critical access points, and how to best employ critical access management begins with three key aspects: frequency, risk, and urgency.
Defining the different types of insider threats
Defining the different types of insider threats
As technology continues to evolve, cyberattacks are becoming more sophisticated. Many organizations focus their cybersecurity efforts only on outsider threats, hence creating more loopholes for insider threats. These companies don’t see the possibility of losing sensitive data due to negligence or the malicious intent of their own people.
From ransomware to killware: Is the future of cyberattacks turning more sinister?
HDOs have witnessed ransomware’s danger to patient health for years. But is killware the next big threat?
What is access monitoring?
What is access monitoring?
It’s hard to know what’s happening with critical access and assets if no one is watching. Access governance can create a secure system, and access controls can add friction, but you don’t know who is actually accessing what unless there are eyes on it.
The value of AI and ML for healthcare privacy, security, and compliance
The value of AI and ML for healthcare privacy, security, and compliance
If you’re a Chief Compliance or Chief Privacy Officer at a health delivery organization (HDO), you understand first-hand how critical it is to secure and protect your organization’s information. To succeed in a heavily regulated industry like healthcare, you must establish a culture that constantly strives for data protection, risk reduction, and across-the-board compliance.
What is access control?
What is access control?
Access governance is crucial when it comes to securing an organization’s critical access points and assets. But access governance alone isn’t enough. To add another, important, layer of security and mitigate mounting cyber threats, an organization needs to add friction and visibility as well as reduce risks when it comes to access rights.
Access intelligence — 3 cybersecurity insights for health system leaders
Access intelligence — 3 cybersecurity insights for health system leaders
Health systems today are more vulnerable than ever to data breaches and malicious cybercrime. Regular user access reviews are a key part of securing critical data, but it comes with challenges, costs and potential roadblocks.
What is access governance?
What is access governance?
63% of organizations don’t have visibility into the level of access and permissions their users have to critical systems. Too many organizations aren’t implementing and enforcing access policies to their most critical assets, like systems, data, networks, infrastructure, and operational technology.
October is national cybersecurity awareness month 2021!
October is national cybersecurity awareness month 2021!
October is cybersecurity awareness month! But what does this mean for your business? With the number of data breaches continuing to skyrocket, 51% of which were tied to third-party vendors, this month-long initiative is the perfect opportunity for your organization to take a closer look at your own cybersecurity infrastructure and strategy.
The success story of CynexLink and SecureLink
The success story of CynexLink and SecureLink
SecureLink is proud to introduce our enhanced Partner program, PartnerLink.
Mesh of connected devices and modalities
Easing password pains: How CISOs can implement real, complex passwords and keep clinicians happy
In a previous post, I talked about complex passwords and how to strike the right balance between security and clinical workflow efficiency. And with breaches continuing to be on the rise – more than a 50% increase in healthcare in 2020 – that message rings true more than ever.