News listing


Businesswire - MEDITECH Hospitals Continue to Choose Imprivata OneSign for Fast and Secure Access to Patient Data as They Prepare for Meaningful Use
Businesswire - MEDITECH Hospitals Continue to Choose Imprivata OneSign for Fast and Secure Access to Patient Data as They Prepare for Meaningful Use
Mass High Tech - Imprivata Gets Health IT Deal from NHS Scotland
Mass High Tech - Imprivata Gets Health IT Deal from NHS Scotland
The Efficient, First Line of Defense
The Efficient, First Line of Defense
TMCnet: U.S. Patents Awarded to Inventors in Massachusetts (July 11)
TMCnet: U.S. Patents Awarded to Inventors in Massachusetts (July 11)
Fierce Mobile Healthcare: Docs increasily use texts to communicate with each other
Fierce Mobile Healthcare: Docs increasily use texts to communicate with each other
Dark Reading: Study Shows Hospitals Waste 8.3 Billion Yearly On Outdated Communications Technology And Restrictive Security
Dark Reading: Study Shows Hospitals Waste 8.3 Billion Yearly On Outdated Communications Technology And Restrictive Security
TechTarget: Mobile devices driving healthcare desktop virtualization growth
TechTarget: Mobile devices driving healthcare desktop virtualization growth
$11.2 Billion Wasted Annually Due To Inefficient Communication Technology
$11.2 Billion Wasted Annually Due To Inefficient Communication Technology
Imprivata’s New Technology Battles Prescription Drug Abuse
Imprivata’s New Technology Battles Prescription Drug Abuse