Developer Listing

Imprivata Entwicklungspartner

Das Imprivata Entwicklerprogramm erlaubt Anbietern von Software- und Hardwarelösungen einfach ihre Kapazitäten zu erweitern, indem Imprivatas führende Fähigkeiten der Authentifizierung und sicheren Kommunikationsplattform verwendet werden.

  • Reibungslose Integration von Authentifizierungs- und sicheren Kommunikationskapazitäten innerhalb jeder Anwendung und für eine Vielzahl an Geräten.
  • Zugang zu APIs, Dokumentationen, Tests und Zertifizierungswerkzeugen für die Imprivata OneSign ProveIDtm SDK.
  • Entwicklertraining für Imprivata OneSign, sowie die Verwendung der Imprivata ProveID APIs
  • Formale Zertifizierung zum Imprivata Ready-Produkt
  • Zugang zu technischen Hilfeleistungsressourcen während des Entwicklungsprozesses
  • Auflistung von Unternehmen und Lösung auf unserer Entwickler-Website
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Since 2005, Imprivata has collaborated with Forward Advantage, an interoperability partner of MEDITECH. This alliance has resulted in more than 100 joint customers, including Ashe Memorial Hospital, Beaufort Memorial Hospital, Boulder Community Hospital, Memorial Healthcare, Mount Nittany Medical Center, Noyes Memorial Hospital, Skagit Valley Hospital, and Parkview Adventist Medical Center.

Forward Advantage resells Imprivata OneSign® as im-one to provide seamless integration of OneSign into several areas of MEDITECH. All integrations work with client/server and MAGIC versions 3.x through 5.x as well as MEDITECH 6.0, including:

  • Single Sign-On API-level integration for single sign-on. Care providers simply tap a badge or swipe a fingerprint to be brought into MEDITECH. They don't even see the MEDITECH login screen.
  • Signing: Forward Advantage has integrated the signing of medication orders and prescriptions within MEDITECH via the Imprivata OneSign ProveID™ API. This is especially helpful in Ohio, with its strong authentication requirements for medication orders, administration and dispensing.
  • Graceful Exit: With this option, records won't get locked if care providers log off workstations without logging out of MEDITECH. Graceful Exit does it for them.
Microsoft (developer)

Mobitrace develops best-in-class mobile nursing information systems that integrate diverse bedside processes in an electronic workflow. Based in Belgium, Mobitrace serves general and university hospitals as well as elderly care organisations all over Europe. Mobitrace is dedicated to providing easy-to-use mobile solutions that support nurses in their daily work. Information on Mobitrace and the NurseFlow product can be found on