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Imprivata to strengthen Identity and Access Management Platform for the enterprise
I’m sure you’re well aware that IAM stands for Identity and Access Management, so you’re probably wondering why I’m calling this an IAAM journey. I’ve added an extra “A” in here for Authorization, because it’s different than just Access. I’ve been asked a few times what I’d consider a complete IAAM suite and what are the steps that are needed to get there.
In case you missed part 0 in this series, you may want to brush up on how a good IAAM system should work before reading on.
The hardest part of standing up an IAAM system is around the people and process, not the technology. So, let’s start there because if we can’t get this done right, your IAAM project is going to fail.
Chicago, December 15, 2011- The American Hospital Association (AHA) today announced it has awarded its exclusive endorsement to lmprivata OneSign® Single Sign-On. AHA Solutions, Inc., a subsidiary of the AHA, awards the AHA endorsement to products and services that help member hospitals and health care organizations achieve operational excellence.
Before you read, catch up on Part 0: An IAAM system overview and Part 1: Who does what.