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Customers rate Imprivata in 2019 in Best in KLAS: Software & Services Report
Imprivata had an incredible 2018 and the momentum continues to build as we look towards HIMSS19 (February 11-15 in Orlando, FL) where we’ll be debuting innovative identity and access management solutions to enhance our healthcare security platform. We’re excited to see that many of our customers will be sharing their experiences and tips for success through presentations in the theater at our booth and on the HIMSS stage. You’ll also see us up and down that aisles of the exhibition hall as our technology ecosystem partners will be displaying Imprivata interoperability in their booths.
New partnership integrates Single Sign-on technology with Chrome devices for a secure, mobile workstation solution
Imprivata Proximity Aware Leverages the Power of Bluetooth Low Energy to Secure Workstations without Disrupting Clinical Workflow