The search found 4102 results.
Technology is widespread in healthcare organizations and growing. In fact, 91 percent of U.S. healthcare organizations have undertaken or plan to undertake a technology adoption initiative in the...
Cybercrime took center stage in 2017 and 2018 will be no different. From ransomware attacks like Petya and WannaCry to the NSA breach, all signs point back to the root cause of these incidents as...
Patient privacy is key to providing quality healthcare – but so is data-sharing. Interoperability is quickly becoming a buzzword in healthcare, but one with backbone, as providers seek new ways to...
With rapid changes to HIPAA enforcement throughout the COVID-19 crisis, keeping up has been an ongoing challenge for healthcare providers. Understanding the aspects of HIPAA that have changed and...
With Salesforce, you can take times of change and turn them into opportunities. This whitepaper offers ways to establish a robust infrastructure, cut costs, and secure data using Salesforce.
Governance serves a dizzying array of purposes in healthcare – from acting as a blanket set of responsibilities to which an organization adheres to protecting systems through OCR audits and...
IBM and Ponemon’s latest Cost of a Data Breach Report illustrates the dauntingly true cost of a data breach to an organization, from direct financial impact to reputational damage and churn. Below...
Interoperability is the extend to which systems can exchange and interpret shared data. In the healthcare industry, interoperability offers specific benefits that improve workflows and provide...
Get ready for Dreamforce 2019 with this comprehensive guide that contains everything you need to know about the upcoming tradeshow and learn what Imprivata FairWarning team members are excited for this year.
Reports show that insider threats are the biggest cybersecurity problem in the financial services industry. In this post, discover how to combat the threat and mitigate risk to your organization.