Single Sign On Software

Single Sign On Software

Imprivata OneSign efficiently resolves password security challenges


For many users and IT departments, passwords are often an annoyance and a drain on productivity. The average user must remember 12 to 15 passwords in order to gain access to all the software applications they are authorized to access. Many password security policies require changing passwords frequently, making it even tougher to keep track of all the passwords - resulting in forgotten passwords and costly calls to the IT help desk.

Single sign-on (SSO) software can solve this problem by allowing users to sign on to the network just once and then have access to all their applications. But many single sign on solutions are not only costly to purchase and deploy, but difficult to manage and maintain. For single sign-on software that is highly affordable, manageable and effective, more companies today are choosing the Imprivata OneSign appliance-based solution.


Single sign-on software in an appliance based approach


As an identity and access management solution, Imprivata OneSign® Single Sign-On reduces the cost and complexity that single sign on software offers through an affordable and easy-to-use appliance-based approach.

Imprivata OneSign simplifies password security for both users and IT departments. For IT administrators, Imprivata OneSign is easy to deploy and manage, requiring no changes to code or modifications to directories. Imprivata OneSign Single Sign-On (SSO) enables all applications, including client/server, Web, JAVA, Windows and legacy software applications. With a complete single sign-on (SSO) solution packaged in an appliance, there is nothing more to purchase and no additional hardware or software to buy, deploy or maintain. Imprivata OneSign reduces implementation time and cost and delivers faster return on investment.

For users, Imprivata OneSign eliminates the need to remember multiple passwords and requires no inconvenient changes to clinical workflows. Imprivata OneSign Single Sign-On software also allows self service password reset when passwords are forgotten, allowing users to get back to productivity more quickly.


Innovative SSO software for simpler use in a single appliance


Imprivata OneSign Single Sign-On software enables companies to:

  • Securely authenticate users and centrally manage strong authentication options such as ID tokens, Windows and national ID smart cards, active and passive proximity cards, fingerprint biometrics, USB tokens and others.
  • Streamline application access by automating many of the common and redundant tasks of password security, including enabling software applications for single sign on, enforcing password policy, and changing passwords on behalf of users at required intervals.
  • Simplify reporting with the ability to demonstrate regulatory compliance more easily with a variety of canned and customized reports that show who had access to what data when, and from where.

Authentication management workflows


Along with enterprise single sign-on, Imprivata also offers a full-range of solutions to manage authentication workflows across the entire spectrum of care, including:

Ready to see Imprivata OneSign in action?