Oxford Radcliffe NHS Chooses Imprivata to Cure User Access Headaches

Integrated Single Sign-on/Strong Authentication/Clinical Contexting Solution for Increased Security, Productivity and User Satisfaction

LEXINGTON, MA –March 24th 2009 - Imprivata®, Inc., the employee access management company, announced that Oxford Radcliffe Hospitals NHS Trust has chosen Imprivata OneSign to provide clinical staff with faster access to patient information with single sign-on technology. The ongoing rollout has allowed more than 3,000 of the Trust’s staff to access critical applications, including NHS Spine databases, via a single set of secure log-on credentials rather than multiple log-ons, increasing productivity while minimising security risk.

OneSign’s built-in Strong Authentication capability allows staff to use their NHS Smart cards for quickly accessing patient data and fast user switching on shared workstations. In addition, the Trust is taking advantage of OneSign’s Self Service Password Reset capability, enabling all of the Trust’s 12,000 staff to manage passwords independently, dramatically reducing the associated administrative overhead on the Trust’s IT helpdesk.

As part of its broader IT strategy, Oxford Radcliffe Hospitals NHS Trust is also planning to deploy a Clinical Context Management strategy from Carefx to deliver a converged platform through which disparate medical system records for each patient can be viewed. Underpinned by single sign-on software from Imprivata, Clinical Contexting will enable clinicians to access patient data that is typically held on multiple applications, such as X-ray and blood test results, through a single portal with a single point of authentication. This will significantly improve the speed at which clinicians can access information and, ultimately, make decisions on an individual patient, improving the levels of clinical care Oxford Radcliffe Hospitals NHS Trust provides.

Working closely with Imprivata’s implementation partner Enline, Oxford Radcliffe Hospitals NHS Trust has significantly reduced the frequency of password reset requests whilst also improving its user access auditing capabilities, delivering another layer of password security across the infrastructure, and helping it meet information governance requirements.

“Improving the speed and efficiency at which patient data can be made available to our staff is vital to our Trust. Our staff use a myriad of different applications, each with its own unique password policy. We were finding that users often misplaced or simply forgot log-on credentials, leading to system lock-outs, strain on IT helpdesk resources, and reduced productivity,” said John Skinner, IT Director, Oxford Radcliffe Hospitals NHS Trust. “With OneSign, our staff require just one set of credentials to access multiple systems, and the facility to reset passwords locally avoids costly helpdesk calls and keeps users connected so they can access key applications. We’ve also improved our user access auditing capabilities, delivering another layer of security across the infrastructure. Last but certainly not least single sign-on is integral to our plans for Clinical Contexting, as it provides the single point of authentication needed to consolidate data from different applications into a single point-and-click portal.”

Imprivata OneSign is an authentication and access management appliance that is designed to secure access to applications and data, while improving employee productivity. It natively supports the NHS smart card as a factor for strong authentication, as well as proximity cards, one-time-password tokens, biometrics and physical access cards.

“More than 115,000 users in over 50 NHS trusts across the UK are using the OneSign appliance based solution to drive down the cost of managing user identity, ensuring medical staff can access the information they need quickly, yet with maximum security.” said Omar Hussain, President and CEO, Imprivata. “Alongside our partners, Imprivata is committed to providing healthcare organisations, such as Oxford Radcliffe Hospitals NHS Trust, with the right solutions to drive efficiency in terms of cutting costs, increasing productivity and clinician satisfaction.”

About Imprivata
Imprivata secures employee access to desktops, networks, applications and transactions. Its appliance-based, employee access management platform, OneSign, enables organizations to protect enterprise information assets while improving user productivity. By strengthening user authentication, streamlining application access and simplifying compliance reporting across multiple computing environments, customers realize substantial IT Help Desk and administration cost savings, while achieving the security standards they demand.

Imprivata is a recognized leader in Authentication and Access Management, receiving numerous product awards and top review ratings from leading industry publications and analysts. Headquartered in Lexington, Mass., Imprivata partners with over 200 resellers, and serves the access security needs of more than 800 customers around the world. For more information, please visit www.imprivata.com

About University Hospital of Oxford Radcliffe Hospitals NHS Trust 
The Oxford Radcliffe Hospitals is one of the largest NHS teaching trusts in the country. It provides a wide range of general and specialist clinical services and is a base for medical education, training and research. Employing 9,433 people, the Trust is one of the largest employers in Oxfordshire, with a turnover of £553 million in 2007/08.

The Trust provides high quality general hospital services for the local population in
Oxfordshire and neighbouring counties, and more specialist services for patients from
a wide geographic area.

About Enline
Enline plc is a market leader in the provision of Identity and Access Management consultancy, design, delivery and support across Public Sector and Corporate organisations.Using its Identity Connects™ approach, Enline has a proven track record of successful engagements; providing real returns on investment and realising business benefits.

In Health, Enline is implementing single sign-on, strong authentication management and clinical context management as a key part of its strategy of creating efficiencies in how clinical and non clinical staff work, improving governance and user experience to enhance the care process.

Imprivata is a registered trademark of Imprivata, Inc. in the USA and other countries. All other product or company names mentioned are the property of their respective owners.