Request Demo - Drug Diversion Intelligence

Although most healthcare organizations attempt to monitor for drug diversion, most go undetected. Explore healthcare’s most established drug diversion solution that delivers:

  • A robust combination of AI and behavioral analytics to detect anomalous behaviors
  • Proactive alerts to quickly detect and respond to issues  
  • Automated monitoring to increase efficiency and improve ROI
  • 250+ types of reports for compliance and internal reporting

Complete the form and we’ll reach out to schedule a personalized demo at your convenience. 

Demo Request

AI-aided drug diversion prevention supports patient safety and care quality

Drug diversion happens in healthcare organizations of all shapes and sizes, and at all levels of clinical and other staff.

Find out how New York Health System reduced its unresolved monthly discrepancies to under 5% with Drug Diversion Intelligence (DDI).

Prescription drug stock photo
Hear from our customers
With Imprivata Drug Diversion Intelligence in place, I'd put our drug diversion program up against any other in the country.
Hear from our customers
Instead of trying to find the needle in the haystack, [Drug Diversion Intelligence] now gives us the needle – we just need to decide if it’s sharp or not.
Hear from our customers
Since we’ve had Imprivata [Drug Diversion Intelligence], we have identified two diversions that have occurred and they have been fairly early in the stages. We were really able to identify the problem before it got much worse and escalated to a point of potential harm to them or a patient.