Imprivata Service Level Agreement

Imprivata Service Level Agreement


“Downtime” means any period when web services to generate and manage a token or to send and receive transactions between Imprivata’s cloud and OneSign Appliances for Imprivata’s cloud enabled products (Confirm ID Remote Access and Electronic Prescription of Controlled Substances, and OneSign – Web SSO) aren’t operational.

“Monthly Uptime Percentage” means the total number of minutes in a calendar month minus the number of minutes of Downtime in a calendar month, divided by the total number of minutes in a calendar month.

“Service Credit” means the number of days of Service to be credited upon renewal to the new term, without charge to Customer, calculated as

UptimeDays Credited
< 99.9%5
< 99.5%10
< 99.0%15

Credits are allocated based on the maximum available credit up to the annual limit. The limit for service credits is up to 25% of monthly maintenance fees and up to 2% annually.

Customer Must Request Service Credit to receive any of the credits described above within 30 days of becoming eligible from a Service Credit by emailing Failure to comply with this requirement forfeits Customer’s right to receive a Service Credit. Customer may check whether Imprivata’s systems are operational at

SLA Exclusions

This SLA does not apply to any performance issues caused by:

  • “Force Majeure”
  • Failures from Customer’s infrastructure or network
  • Failure to adhere to any required configuration, supported platforms, acceptable use policies or use of the product in a manner inconsistent with its documentation and support agreements.

Imprivata’s token services rely on third party partners for SMS and we do not guarantee consistent SMS delivery as the partners service or message networks from mobile device providers may experience issues.

Imprivata’s Individual Identity Proofing relies in part on third party partners and we do not guarantee availability for that service.