OneSign Customers Talk Shop: Fingerprint Biometric Security, Password Management and Security Risk

We've found that the best resource for better understanding how to solve employee access management are our customers. So over the past week or so, as a few of our customers have shared details of their OneSign experiences, I thought you may want to hear what some of them are saying and doing.'s Joan Goodchild created a cool video-based interview with Bill McQuaid on how Parkview Adventist combined OneSign with fingerprint biometrics to improve productivity, streamline operations and minimize security risk. Key take-aways from Bill when deploying systems are:

1. Test, test and test again: with physicians and nurses you only get once chance to get them to buy in (which they did at Parkview)

2. Have a comprehensive training program: training up-front minimizes helpdesk calls later

3. Have a back-up plan: at Parkview, employees have several fingers scanned in case the biometric doesn't scan properly

Over at, Linda Tucci chatted with Chuck Christian about Good Samaritan Hospital's single sign-on deployment, capturing the hospital's experience using OneSign for the past four years. Chuck shares advice on how he evaluated SSO solutions, how he got executive buy-in early on, and once installed, his ability to quickly change employee access (including complete shut-off) and how he deters bad security behavior by ensuring everyone is clearly aware of audit features. The full story is here, and his advice is worth reading.

Anne Gabriel talks with OneAmerica's Jeff Hornung about the intersection of employee productivity, SSO and security for a story in Insurance & Technology. Jeff explains his experience rolling out SSO to 1,500 users, and how that has translated into a 15 percent drop in help desk calls (and 50 percent for one specific application!) and enhanced employee productivity. Next up for OneAmerica? The life insurer will 'leverage Imprivata's two-factor authentication and biometric device capabilities to meet changing needs and regulations' according to the article.

Tell us how you're using OneSign, and what's working for you. We'd love to hear it.
