Want to Improve Clinician Workflows and Physician Satisfaction? It’s All About the Clicks.
Physicians and nurses are on the front lines caring for patients while at the same time living through unprecedented change in their workflows due to HITECH and meaningful use. As a hospital’s IT organization rolls out technologies in support of meaningful use requirements, they are not just deploying systems; IT is effectively the catalyst for change working directly with clinicians and medical leadership to enhance overall care delivery. Without technology – and the people and processes involved in making EMR deployments successful – there is no meaningful use.
Based on our experience working with over 900 hospitals, we’ve found that the key to successful EMR utilization by clinicians is in the “clicks.” Clicks for user names and passwords. Clicks to open the EMR and patient chart. Clicks to sign orders. Our customers have shown us that when you reduce clicks, you improve workflows, save time and increase clinician satisfaction.
Given the security requirements introduced as part of HITECH and HIPAA, hospitals need to eliminate clicks by streamlining access to the EMR and patient charts in a way that effectively supports clinical workflows. See for yourself how Imprivata enables No Click Access® from anywhere by watching this video!