Fifth Annual Healthcare IT Trends Survey Cites Resistance to Workflow as Leading Obstacle to CPOE Adoption

Single Sign-on, Virtual Desktops and Remote Access Identified as Top Three Enablers for Engaging Physicians to Adopt CPOE

May 10, 2012 – Lexington, Mass. - Imprivata, the leader in secure access and collaboration for healthcare, today announced the results of its fifth annual survey examining IT trends in healthcare. According to this year’s findings, 45 percent of respondents indicate that more than half of their physicians are placing orders using Computerized Physician Order Entry (CPOE). Yet, 38 percent report that still less than 25 percent of their physicians are using CPOE, which poses a challenge for meeting Stage 2 Meaningful Use.  Sixty-three percent of respondents reported Resistance to Workflow Changes as the leading obstacle to CPOE adoption, with Single Sign-on (SSO) (74%), Virtualized Desktops (48%) and Remote/Mobile Access (46%) reported as the top three technologies for engaging physicians to use CPOE.  

These findings correlate with the results of Imprivata’s 4th Annual IT Trends Survey that revealed 48 percent of healthcare IT executives polled believed password management issues slow physician adoption of Electronic Medical Records (EMRs).  They are also consistent with the company’s survey carried out in mid-2011 on the adoption of Virtual Desktops in healthcare. Of all respondents who currently have an SSO solution, 85 percent agree or strongly agree that it is a key factor in EMR adoption, 82 percent agree or strongly agree that it is a key factor in CPOE adoption and 73 percent agree or strongly agree that it is key to achieving Meaningful Use objectives.

“Once again we see the power that fast, secure, No Click Access® to patient data can have on physician engagement,” said Ed Gaudet, Chief Marketing Officer at Imprivata.  “Speeding EMR adoption and usage begins with an understanding of clinical workflows. Solutions such as those from Imprivata eliminate clicks and allow physicians to focus on their patients -- increasing the 'meaningful use' of technology to enhance care delivery.”

According to Ed Ricks, VP and CIO at Beaufort Memorial Hospital, avoiding interruptions to workflow is key to successful physician adoption: “CPOE is a cultural change for physicians - not a technical one,” said Ricks.  “Enabling technologies like Single Sign-On, Strong Authentication, Roaming Desktops and Voice Recognition increase physician engagement, which in turn increases adoption.  With these tools we attained the 30 percent stage 1 threshold for CPOE within a month of go live.”


About Imprivata With more than 2 million users and 900 healthcare customers, Imprivata is the #1 provider of secure access and collaboration solutions for healthcare. By strengthening user authentication, streamlining application access and simplifying compliance reporting across multiple computing environments, customers realize improved workflows, increased security and compliance with government regulations.

Imprivata has received numerous product awards and top review ratings from leading industry publications and analysts, including a Strong Positive rating in Gartner’s 2011 Marketscope for ESSO, the #1 ranking in the KLAS SSO Performance report and the #1 rating in 2010 Best in KLAS and Category Leaders report. Headquartered in Lexington, Mass., Imprivata partners with over 200 resellers, and serves the access security needs of customers around the world. For more information, please visit or follow us on Twitter at @Imprivata.