Don’t let IoMT technology impede clinical efficiency
The rise of the Internet of Medical Things (IoMT) has increased the number of shared mobile devices, vital sign monitors, and other technological healthcare solutions. The IoMT has also increased the pressure faced by healthcare organizations and providers to ensure that these solutions are secure, reliable, efficient, and consistent with clinical workflows.
Challenges presented by new technologies
Imprivata recognizes these new technologies drive connectivity and system interoperability, but also understands they present considerable challenges such as added complexity related to excessive layers of security. These systems need to be simplified and streamlined in order to provide efficient, real-time visibility to providers.
Nurses in particular have been subjected to the increasing challenge of balancing security and convenience. They’re concerned about losing face time with patients and dealing with workflow slowdowns imposed by security barriers.
Striking the right balance between security and efficient workflows
Imprivata is focused on helping healthcare organizations maintain an efficient workflow while seamlessly integrating IoMT technologies and deployment strategies, avoiding complications, and achieving a balance between security and convenience.