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Imprivata OneSign ProveID remains an important part of the patient care environment at Catholic Health Partners and the network continues to partner with Imprivata to address their new and emerging healthcare IT security needs.
If you are receptive to the ideas of the Jericho Forum security thinktank, then you may well accept its view that organisations can no longer rely on the firewalls that used to mark the extent of their control over IT infrastructure. Of course, in most cases the firewalls are still there.
St Helens & Knowsley Health Informatics Service (StHK HIS) supports many NHS organisations including two acute teaching hospitals, 85 GP surgeries and a number of community and mental healthcare providers, with a user base of over 14,000 individuals.
Bruce Hall, CIO of Augusta Health, explains how Imprivata OneSign has helped his hospital achieve a 75% utilization rate of CPOE for all inpatient orders. Care givers describe OneSign as a reliable, essential tool allowing them to optimize their workflows.
Bruce Hall, CIO of Augusta Health, describes how his organization is leveraging electronic documentation via Dragon voice dictation technologies. Imprivata OneSign®'s integration with Augusta's Citrix XenDesktop infrastructure provides caregivers with fast, secure, roaming access to their personal Dragon voice recognition sessions at thin client workstations throughout the facility.
Bruce Hall, CIO of Augusta Health, describes and quantifies his successful organizational rollout of thin client virtualization technology partnered with Imprivata OneSign® to realize significant cost savings and overhead reduction. Learn about the benefits of using OneSign with Citrix XenDesktop VDA from both systems engineering and end user perspectives.
Learn how Imprivata OneSign helps Augusta Health increase care providers' efficiency while improving the protection of patients' confidential information. Bruce Hall, CIO of Augusta Health, explains how OneSign was quickly integrated with existing hospital IT systems, and clinicians describe the time savings and convenience they've experienced by using OneSign's Single Sign On and Authentication Management capabilities.
The Metro Health IT department successfully rolled out EpicCare throughout its practices, but clinician mobility remained a challenge. IT needed a solution to streamline workflows and improve efficiency and mobility. Their answer: VMware View desktop virtualization solutions. By integrating their virtualized desktops with Imprivata OneSign, Metro Health met their ambitious roaming desktop speed benchmarking goals.