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Three Boston area physicians, Dr. Stephen Parpos, Dr. Sara LeFleur and Dr. Alden Landry, joined us for our annual company meeting this past month to discuss IT challenges in healthcare. Moderated by our own Sean Kelly, the panel discussed issues with EMR access, communication challenges and the value of IT in the healthcare space. But in a field where every second counts, any process that slows or disrupts patient care will not do.
We are proud and impressed by all the loyal Bostonians that went out to the Saint Patrick’s Day parade this past weekend, despite the New England temperatures! While many of us are recovering from seeing too much green this weekend and snow yesterday, here is some health IT news that we at Imprivata think are important.
This week, we are reading about free Q&A services with doctors, a common ground for sharing medical data and the need for more analytics for ACO’s.
What are you reading today?
The goal of this case study is to provide an objective representation of the benefits that accrue from the best practices–based implementation of the technology in question. The Johns Hopkins Hospital is modernizing its access systems in collaboration with Imprivata and its OneSign single sign-on application.
As we’re eagerly awaiting the better weather coming this weekend, check out some Healthcare IT news we are keeping an eye on.
This week, we are reading about the FDA’s plans on mobile health regulations, the rise of remote patient monitoring and how integration of medical devices into EHR’s can save a ton of money.
What are you following this week?
We hope everyone had a great Easter or Passover this last week, and for those for whom it was just a Saturday and Sunday, we hope you had a great weekend too! Check out what news we’re interested in this week.
We are following developments in the imPatient movement, the Watson computer’s first medical diagnosis and biometric mobile security.
What are you reading this week?
Nurses and doctors used to spend between 15 and 40 minutes every day logging into different clinical systems. The situation has now improved significantly thanks to the solution One Sign Single Sign-On, provided by Imprivata, also SpeakerPartner at Vitalis.
Health-care reform is ushering in an era of more coverage plan choices for patients, and while more options can be empowering, it can also be confusing when trying to find the right plan. “Health-care reform provides insurance coverage for many people who may be locked out of the market today,” says Sean Kelly, chief medical officer at health care IT security company Imprivata. “However, even with the new reforms, insurers can still impose limits on the number of doctor's visits, prescriptions and days spent in the hospital.”
Sramana Mitra’s article is an overview of entrepreneurs who are making strong progress in the healthcare IT domain. Imprivata is one of 5 companies featured and information was drawn from her multi-part interview with Omar Hussain earlier last month.
Many of us at the Imprivata Lexington office are enjoying ballpark food today as we gear up to watch the Red Sox play Baltimore in the home opening game. Whether you’re a sports fan or an avid runner prepping for next week’s Boston Marathon, check out our Healthcare News Watch this week!
Today, we are following stories of how big data could save U.S. citizens as much as $450 billion, Health IT predictions for 2018 and innovative ways of using digital pens in the UK.
What are you reading this week?