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Imprivata®, Inc., the leader in secure access and collaboration for healthcare, today announced that 91 English NHS Trusts, 4 of the Trusts in Northern Ireland and Scotland’s entire NHS system are using Imprivata OneSign to provide clinicians with improved workflow and data security, driving productivity and improving patient service. Imprivata’s UK market share has grown rapidly with customers including Central and North West London NHS Foundation Trusts and Gloucestershire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust coming on board recently.
Imprivata®, Inc., the leader in secure access and collaboration for healthcare, today announced that 91 English NHS Trusts, 4 of the Trusts in Northern Ireland and Scotland's entire NHS system are using Imprivata OneSign to provide clinicians with improved workflow and data security, driving productivity and improving patient service. Imprivata's UK market share has grown rapidly with customers including Central and North West London NHS Foundation Trusts and Gloucestershire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust coming on board recently.
As many as 91 English NHS Trusts, three of the Trusts in Northern Ireland and Scotland's entire NHS system are using Imprivata OneSign to provide clinicians with improved workflow and data security, driving productivity and improving patient service.
Read this customer success story to learn how Mercy Health System reduced password headaches and IT helpdesk calls, increased physician satisfaction through improved workflows and improved HIPPA compliance with fast, No Click Access to applications.INTRODUCTION
Healthcare IT security firm Imprivata announced that it has deployed its OneSign single sign-on software to 91 National Health Service (NHS) Trusts in England, all NHS hospitals in Scotland, and four trusts in Northern Ireland. The company also said that its market share in the U.K. has grown rapidly, with recent customers including the Central and North West London NHS Foundation Trusts and Gloucestershire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust. Imprivata also announced that it will be holding its 2012 U.K.
Physicians and nurses are on the front lines caring for patients while at the same time living through unprecedented change in their workflows due to HITECH and meaningful use. As a hospital’s IT organization rolls out technologies in support of meaningful use requirements, they are not just deploying systems; IT is effectively the catalyst for change working directly with clinicians and medical leadership to enhance overall care delivery.
Many hospitals today are still unable to positively identify patients, as they rely on manual processes and tools, such as photo IDs, oral demographic data, or social security numbers. This can create patient identification errors that jeopardize patient safety, impede patient engagement, and result in serious financial inefficiencies for hospitals.
Watch this webinar to learn how your organization can:
View this webinar to learn how Gundersen Health System leverages the Imprivata Authentication Platform to help unlock the full potential of their EMR. Purpose-built for healthcare, the Imprivata Authentication Platform give clinicians at PRMC fast, secure access to patient records and a transparent two-factor authentication workflow for electronic prescribing of controlled substances (EPCS). Attend this webinar to learn how Gundersen has used Imprivata to: