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The COVID-19 pandemic is placing an enormous burden and stress on our entire healthcare system -- from strained ICUs and a lack of adequate personal protective equipment (PPE) to grossly inadequate testing and inaccurate reporting systems.
As healthcare providers continue to work around the clock to treat the influx of patients impacted by COVID-19, healthcare IT vendors are doing their part to assist customers who are on the front lines of this crisis.Imprivata is offering licenses to our enterprise multifactor authentication solution — Imprivata Confirm ID for Remote Access — at no-cost for all users, and many of our partners are also doing what they can to help by offering free products, services, and resources.
I’ve worked in almost more places than I can remember and, believe it or not, I’ve never had an automated Identity Governance Administration (IGA) system. I had some pieces, mind you, but never had the whole, integrated thing at any of the places I’ve been before. Which is kind of ironic since Imprivata has the best automated IGA system for healthcare available — Imprivata Identity Governance (IdG) — and I work here now.
Study conducted by Forrester Consulting shows customers receive a 336% ROI with Imprivata digital identity solutions
When it comes to battling COVID-19, did we leave our best players on the bench? We have the world's best technologists, the most sophisticated capabilities in the U.S., and yet, when the pandemic hit, it seems like we focused solely on throwing manpower at the problem, instead of technology which is proven to improve safety and productivity, and reduce costs.
In an effort to reduce COVID-19 infections, hospitals are implementing strict visitation policies preventing any family members, friends, or other loved ones from physically visiting patients in the hospital. These policies often leave patients – many of whom are acutely ill and forced to remain inpatient for long periods of time – completely isolated. Imprivata is helping these patients stay connected with their families and loved ones during their hospital stay.
Clinicians are focused on delivering quality patient care. This has become especially true with the surge in patients due to the COVID-19 global pandemic.
When COVID-19 broke out in earnest, hospitals and other employers told everybody to go home and work remotely. I’m doing the WFH drill right now. We’re all scrambling to get things done in this new environment, and not everybody has a clear sense of how to proceed. But one thing I can tell you as you realign your systems for a remote workforce: don’t forget security.
COVID-19 is, simply put, a generational event. In my career, the only parallel I can draw is 9/11, when I was CTO and then CIO of the second-largest medical facility in the U.S. Air Force (USAF). COVID-19 is a worldwide event, however, one that affects every one of us in some way. During 9/11, the entire USAF healthcare IT team was laser-focused on supporting our pilots and protecting our citizens. We ran 24/7 incident centers and kept our headquarters apprised of our capabilities, often on an hourly basis.
As a practicing emergency physician and the Chief Medical Officer at Imprivata, I know that the last eight weeks have been challenging for all of us. And the challenges will continue; but we are adapting and making progress day by day. As we continue to find our way to a “new normal,” I ask you to please consider this: In healthcare, we are always assessing RISKS versus BENEFITS.