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Lexington, Mass.—May 6, 2015—Imprivata® (NYSE: IMPR), the healthcare IT security company, today announced that CTO David Ting will lead a discussion about the Internet of Things in healthcare, including the associated data security and user authentication challenges, during Citrix Synergy (May 12-14, 2015 in Orlando, Fla.). The session will focus on the benefits of creating a network of IP-connected computers, sensors, and devices in which care providers and patients can share information.
Did you know, on average, care providers log into Citrix workstations and applications 70 times a day, entering a username and password each time? That’s 45 minutes wasted per provider, per day!
A leading company providing user authentication solutions in healthcare is taking a step into patient authentication applications through its acquisition of a provider of biometric patient identification technology.
Imprivata Inc., Lexington, Mass., has acquired Tampa, Fla.-based HT Systems, which develops and markets palm vein-based biometric patient identification systems.
Company Recognized for Best-In-Class in the Strategy and Delivery of its Leading Authentication, Access Management, and Secure Communications Solutions to Hospitals
As deaths involving prescription opioids as deaths involving prescription opioids increase, prescribers look toward other ways to curb patient overdoses. One fairly new solution in the medical community is to prescribe controlled substances electronically, but just how far along is this revolutionary approach, and will it help combat the evergrowing epidemic in the country?
Surescripts processed 6.5 billion health data transactions in 2014, a feat that the network's officials say marks a major digital transformation of U.S. healthcare.
The Internet of Things (IoT) holds tremendous promise in healthcare, potentially enabling a digital health revolution and support the future of care delivery.
The healthcare industry is undergoing a “complete revolution,” based on all the data about our health and wellness that is being collected on a daily basis, according to Kurt Roemer, chief security strategist at Citrix, global provider of server, application and desktop virtualization, networking, software-as-a-service and cloud computing technologies.