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Established in 1990, Combis d.o.o. is a leading systems integrator with eight branch offices across Croatia. We consult, develop, implement, integrate and maintain complete information-application communication solutions. We provide innovative solutions and services for medium and large businesses primarily in banking, telecommunications and the public sector. As a member of the Global Compact initiative introduced by United Nations, Combis incorporates and promotes the principles of corporate responsibility for human and labor rights, environmental protection and combating corruption.
Not only is multifactor authentication a critical tool for healthcare organizations looking to improve security and compliance, but it’s also a way to develop trust with patients. With 536 breaches in healthcare in the past year resulting from phishing attacks and stolen and weak passwords, it’s no wonder that patients question the security of their personal health information.
Imprivata Identity Governance is the front door to a secure and compliant digital identity strategy
XIXO is een kennisorganisatie en levert ICT-specialisten aan MKB-ondernemingen, gemeentes, ziekenhuizen en zorginstellingen. Volgens ons is ICT een beslissende schakel in jouw bedrijfsproces. De kwaliteit ervan bepaalt of je organisatie het maximale rendement haalt uit de ICT-omgeving en of je medewerkers effectief en veilig kunnen werken. Wij zorgen dat jouw ICT geregeld is – pas wanneer jullie tevreden zijn, zijn wij het ook.