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What role does technology play in a provider’s ability to deliver the best patient care? A large one. Imprivata President and Chief Executive, Gus Malezis, explores the impact technology has on the productivity level of providers in a recent article for The Health Care Blog. Gus delves into the ways the healthcare IT industry must create higher standards for technology that will increase efficiency, instead of hindering it. He explains how physicians compromise care and efficiency by battling with technology, which also add to the recent rise in physician burnout.
“Inspire, equip, and develop leadership talent”Imprivata’s fifth Leadership Development Program (LDP) kicked off earlier this year. The LDP is a customized program developed to foster growth and invest in Imprivata’s current and future leaders. Imprivata sees this program as both an investment in employees and in Imprivata. This program is designed to build the next generation of leaders and has been extremely impactful to date, with several participants being promoted to new roles, moving to new groups, or expanding into more senior positions.
Secure and convenient authentication helps optimize care coordination and clinical communications